New Strategy?
I have been away for a couple of weeks. I have been in New York for business, Florida for some R&R and now I am in a hotel in San Francisco. I am here to be part of an ad hoc committee (Doesn't that sound as if someone got something stuck in their throat?)
The committee I am on has the purpose of evaluating a long standing conference/seminar on evangelism The Salvation Army holds in Colorado every year. My wife,Janet, attended the seminar a few years back and found the experience exciting. Others I know have really touted the effectiveness of the seminar. I do love the fact that it is giving lay people the opportunity to share the
Gospel. It also gets them excited as a result. Many, for the first time share their faith, often to perfect strangers. Of course, I wonder if the people receiving the Gospel on the other end think we might be the strange ones. We walk up to them in a uniform and ask them if they want to know Jesus. I am sure that is an experience you don't have every day. It is probably one most people would not WANT to have either.
There are many positives about the experience. That is why I am somewhat conflicted as I write. What I fear is that we have packaged evangelism into a nice neat three point (or more) technique and then the next thing you know, we have a convert. I don't want to trivialize the importance of the Gospel. It is LIFE. I guess I am more concerned with the notion that there is a school of thought that has reduced evangelism to a science. In fact, for years, I practiced that kind of evangelism.
Sadly, in my practice of technique evangelism, I think there were tons of spiritual still births. I would pray with someone after sharing the Four Spiritual Laws, Steps to Peace with God, or stick the name of your method here ____________, only to never know what happened to the person or to have them ignore my follow up attempts. So I wonder, is that really sharing the Gospel?
I believe the Gospel has the power to change lives. The Gospel has the power to change systems of corruption. It has the power to change neighborhoods. It is, however, becoming more abundantly clear to me that the Gospel that really will change lives, is not in a package, but in a process. In other words, I need to look at people for relationship purposes and be willing to walk the road with them for the long run. Otherwise, my presentation I fear, especially in these days of postmodern thought, will bring about spiritual stillbirths at best and at worst, a negative, hostile reaction to the Lord I love.
So I come to these meetings the next couple of days looking for what the Spirit would say. I am not sure what He will tell us. I know many here will be look for a new strategy. I am wondering if an old one might do better. I am talking about a first century strategy where community was built and pentecostal rain fell. Maybe that is what the Spirit is calling us to do. I am afraid I will not be much for endorsing curriculum or a package. I am thinking we may need to have the bold new strategy, maybe there will need to be some discipleship of the non-believer before they accept Christ. We invite and accept them into community and allow that community to be a witness to what the Gospel can do.
It is not a neatly prepared package of talking points. It is probably a bit messy. It won't be efficient. It might just be what we need in this day in which we live.
What do you think?
The committee I am on has the purpose of evaluating a long standing conference/seminar on evangelism The Salvation Army holds in Colorado every year. My wife,Janet, attended the seminar a few years back and found the experience exciting. Others I know have really touted the effectiveness of the seminar. I do love the fact that it is giving lay people the opportunity to share the
Gospel. It also gets them excited as a result. Many, for the first time share their faith, often to perfect strangers. Of course, I wonder if the people receiving the Gospel on the other end think we might be the strange ones. We walk up to them in a uniform and ask them if they want to know Jesus. I am sure that is an experience you don't have every day. It is probably one most people would not WANT to have either.
There are many positives about the experience. That is why I am somewhat conflicted as I write. What I fear is that we have packaged evangelism into a nice neat three point (or more) technique and then the next thing you know, we have a convert. I don't want to trivialize the importance of the Gospel. It is LIFE. I guess I am more concerned with the notion that there is a school of thought that has reduced evangelism to a science. In fact, for years, I practiced that kind of evangelism.
Sadly, in my practice of technique evangelism, I think there were tons of spiritual still births. I would pray with someone after sharing the Four Spiritual Laws, Steps to Peace with God, or stick the name of your method here ____________, only to never know what happened to the person or to have them ignore my follow up attempts. So I wonder, is that really sharing the Gospel?
I believe the Gospel has the power to change lives. The Gospel has the power to change systems of corruption. It has the power to change neighborhoods. It is, however, becoming more abundantly clear to me that the Gospel that really will change lives, is not in a package, but in a process. In other words, I need to look at people for relationship purposes and be willing to walk the road with them for the long run. Otherwise, my presentation I fear, especially in these days of postmodern thought, will bring about spiritual stillbirths at best and at worst, a negative, hostile reaction to the Lord I love.
So I come to these meetings the next couple of days looking for what the Spirit would say. I am not sure what He will tell us. I know many here will be look for a new strategy. I am wondering if an old one might do better. I am talking about a first century strategy where community was built and pentecostal rain fell. Maybe that is what the Spirit is calling us to do. I am afraid I will not be much for endorsing curriculum or a package. I am thinking we may need to have the bold new strategy, maybe there will need to be some discipleship of the non-believer before they accept Christ. We invite and accept them into community and allow that community to be a witness to what the Gospel can do.
It is not a neatly prepared package of talking points. It is probably a bit messy. It won't be efficient. It might just be what we need in this day in which we live.
What do you think?